Filing a claim online is easy.
Even if your situation is a little more complicated, filing online is still the best place to start. Give yourself 10 minutes to complete the claims process.
Before you get started, be near your covered item or have the item with you plus the receipt for the item. If you already saved your receipt with us, then all you need is the item.
Ready? Let’s get started.
First, click “file a claim” at the top of this page.
Next, log into your account. If you haven’t already created an online account with us, follow the easy instructions to do so.
Next, we’ll ask a few questions about your item and what happened to it. Many claims are approved instantly. In other cases, a specialist will guide you through next steps.
Once your claim is approved, we’ll recommend the best way to repair or replace it based on your location, the item, and what happened.
That’s it.
You’ll receive an email confirming details of your claim within 24 hours.
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